April 21, 2008

Spring in Kansas

Here's a photo fresh in from Kansas. Spring is well under way in Texas, but just getting started where my daughter lives, near Kansas City.

This is a photo of her flowering quince. Now I'm wondering if it is ornamental, or the type tree that sets fruit.

Last fall, we researched local organic growers in her area and I am looking forward to going with her to the berry farms.


ELMERC said...

Hi Mary love youir picture of Dainty Bess. Elaine Cooke

Wavecritter said...

Hi Mary Springtime is such a refreshing time! Breath Deeply the springtime air...my fav!

ELMERC said...

I have a flowering Quince but I'm still waiting for mine to bloom. they're so pretty aren't they? Elaine Cooke